Friday, November 12, 2010

Leo the Lion Says Ger

Leo the Lion Says Ger

"L"oss of hydrogen puts Leo in a stir
"E"lectrons he sheds much like his fur
"O"xidation adds breath for his roar
"G"ains hydrogen like a hungry carnivore
"E"lectrons he hunts but it's never enough

"R"eduction of oxygen makes him gruff


Oh My Proton

Oh proton, how your positive charge makes me blush!
I watch you from a distance, and my heart just turns to mush...
If only I was a neutron, we could frolic for awhile,
and then my dear I'm sure, I would wear a permanent smile.
But alas, I'm an electron, and I must watch you from afar,

    so far from where you are.

It seems to me that my fate is sealed,
but how can my love not be revealed?
My mass will not be complete until you are mine,
so give me this chance, and show me a sign.
Some day our gazes will meet, and I'll see your eyes,
and we will meet together and neutralize...
so until that day, farewell my opposite attract,
my love for you will always stay intact

    by Shay Heather Davies (5/19/98)

Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric Acid is it's name
better known as Acid Rain.
Our factories are burning coal and do not care
that they're sending SO2 everywhere.

It's SO2 you understand
that creates Acid Rain across this land.
This oxidizing agent in our rain
oxidizes iron and that's a pain.

It bothers fishes in the lakes
by lowering pH for goodness sakes.
When a factory is puffing stuff
that is the time to really get tough.

Remind them to use cleaner fuels and they will see
that our world is a better place to be.
The fish will thank you and so will we
we learned it all in Chemistry.






I'm reading a book by Jay Wile
That feels about as thick as a mile
It's a chemistry course,
And reliable source,
I sure am enjoying his style.

The characteristics we see
Of chemicals in chemistry
Are works of God's hand,
And part of His plan,
For the earth to function for me.

The way atoms all seem to dance
In molecules inside of plants
Is one of the ways,
God meant to amaze,
That couldn't have happened by chance.

Experiment with metals like chrome
Experiment with mixtures like foam
Please try to have fun,
Clean up when you're done,
I hope you don't blow up your home!
Author: By: Bailey Gillespie